yes, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of IIH. I had severe disabling nausea for about 6 months when my IIH hit in earnest. interestingly, the headaches weren't so bad at that point, had even seemed to get better but I was having what I called a "migraine without pain" which is worse: severe brain fog.
prior to the nausea and brain fog starting, I can trace symptoms back almost 10 years, as I remember having pulsatile tinnitus as early as 2001 or before. that was around the time I remember headaches getting a lot worse. I also remember sometimes getting lightheaded when I sang probably 5-10 yrs before that. so I think the tendency was always there, but something pushed me over the top 3 yrs ago.
anyway, yes, I think the nausea is definitely related. did you lose weight then? I lost 40 lb. of course have gained it all back by now.