I understand the great burden that medical bills can cause, but doing without prescriptions that could improve your quality of life is not such a good idea. You may be making your situation worse. I hope that you have discussed this problem with your docs. If they assume you are taking your meds, such as the diuretic Diamox, which is not cheap, when in reality you are not, you are like a dog chasing it's tail. There are assistance programs available, through the drug companies, your State may offer help, even your docs may be able to get you free samples.
If you are doing payment plans, I assume that you don't have health insurance, or a really lousy plan. Again, does your State offer any assistance? I live in Tennessee and they have a program that aids low income folks by subsidizing insurance. I used that until my Medicare kicked in. Because of my symptoms I can't work anymore and am on Social Security Disability. I would never be able to live without the federal assistance programs! I never dreamed that I would be "retiring" at age 55 and had not planned for it. Sometimes we have to be creative and a bit of a detective to find the help that is out there!