I was finally diagnosed back in 2009. Before I was always told that I have migraines. I kept telling anyone who would listen even a little bit that I felt that there was more to this than just migraines. When I had my eyes examined in 2009 I told her how I had lost complete eyesight in one eye at least three seperate times. She stated that I should see my primary and a neuro-oopthmologist as soon as possible. When I did I was told that I had a lot of swelling and was immedialtely sent for a series of MRI's and a CT scan of the brain. Both, thankfully, were negative for a brain tumor. It was then I was told that I have psuedotumor cerebri. I had to have a lumbar puncture in which I had an opening pressure of 29-30. The CSF was drained off. I was sent homp with a severe headache. I couldn't stand any kind of light nor could I hold up my head without screaming in pain. After this I was told that I was find and that I shouldn't have any more problems.
Fast forward to 2012, The symptoms have been coming back since the last LP and would not go away. Now I have stabbing headaches with pain in my shoulders and down my back. I had another LP done is august of this year and was told that my opening pressuree was a 24 and I really shouldn't worry to much about it.. I kept telling the doctor of my stabbing headaches/pressure headaches. The pain is so intense at times that all I can do is grab my head and cry :( . Funny thing is I am told that my pressure wasn't really thiat high and maybe my stabbing headaches/pressuree headaches all "all in my head" and that maybe I'm just trying to get attention. The nerve!! I was put on Diamoxx and found out that I am allergic to it (just my luck) now what??
Can someone, anyone tell me do they have the stabbing headaches and the pain/pressure headaches? What can I do about them. I am just about at my wit's end!!!! I am finding it hard to function with just everyday activities. I do have other medical issues but this psuedotumor is really driving me crazy!!! The medical staff isn't really llistening to what I am saying,. I am open to suggestions. There isn't too many around me who really understands what I am going through. It's so hard to concentrate or spell anything. I fell as if am just extremely stupid and alone.