Hey everybody,
Just an update, I got my shunt about five days ago and I do feel better. I was considering a VP Shunt because of the neet non surgical adjustable valve. My Neurosurgeon said that for whatever reason in the IIH brain the ventricles sometimes collapse around the valve. Interesting. LP seemed nicer since it isn't brain surgery and all. I was scared that with the LP shunt it would make me plagued with low pressure headaches.
I am pretty sure that the surgery hurt, but I was asleep, I know it hurt when I woke up. So far I am bruised and sore but have a few interesting observations
-My polyneuropathy is better
It used to be that my feet were painfully numb before I even got out of bed in the morning. I can't find any connection between polyneuropathy and IIH (optic nerve not accounted); so I was very surprised that I wasn't in so much pain anymore.
- No swishy sound and reduced tinnitus
so glad that that sound was gone, I would be very glad to have no tinnitus but this is good too.
-Reduced spots and I don't feel like my vision is deteriorating everyday
Since I can't take any medication for IIH this was my only option to save my vision. Usually elevation changes cause dark spots in my vision that seems to not be so bad.
I guess we will seen how I feel in another week. While surgery is a not very pleasant expirience, there is already improvement. Thank you to everyone I quizzed about shunts and to everybody else because this support group helps me feel connected to people who know that it is all about what matters on the inside and that it doesn't matter if I look sick.