Hi Rhiannon, welcome to the group! Sorry you had such a horrific Easter, but it sounds like they figured it out & took care of it pretty quickly. Recovery from those things can be absolutely dreadful, so I'm glad you're on the other side of it now & they have plans to move forward with treatment.
I think you'll find a lot of good information on this site, so check it out & let us know if you have any questions..we'll help you the best we can. I would really encourage you to explore the risks & benefits of bariatric surgery. I know a lot of professionals like to blame weight, but since only approximately 14% of IIH sufferers are overweight women of childbearring years there have to be other factors involved for weight loss to be affective..it works for some but not others, so make sure you're completely informed before agreeing to such drastic measures.
Good luck, & please keep us posted on your progress!