Two valves on a shunt? Hi everyone. Hope ur day is going well. I just got back from my neuro surgeon. I have had myself all worked up about this appt for the past week because when I called this office I talked to his nurse and she made a comment to me about why I'm not working still. When I said i have a h/a everyday, not to mention the brain fog and other issues she said "well lots of people have to work with ur disease"!
I don't know why i bothered but I cont to talk to her about this.... really plead my case. I asked her how would an employer like that I've had 8 surg in past 5 years.... when exactly would i be able to work? And as a side note if you were in the hospital would you want ur nurse to have had this many brain surg & not even be able to remember what she ate for dinner the nite b4?
Well lucky for me she wasn't there! :!: Anyway after the doc tapped the shunt and found it was not draining much.... he told me about something that he has been doing with other patients with slit ventricles. He would put a second valve in. Said it would in my chest & would reduce the amount of brain tissue that gets sucked into the tube.
Does anyone know anything about this?