Hi Lil, welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with treatments. At one point they made me try every migraine treatment imaginable, including Botox. It was horrible! There is a section on medications for IIH (http://www.ihaveiih.com/f28-medication-for-iih-treatment), so you can check that out. The Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation may also have some information, so you can check their website at www.irhfoundation.org . They have a contact page and have been pretty responsive to other members. Unfortunately, migraines and other headaches can be secondary to IIH, so it's difficult to convince them.
It's my understanding that meningioma is a non-cancerous tumor that can cause similar symptoms. I thought they usually looked for meningioma when IIH treatments aren't working, so wonder if they're actually treating your symptoms as related to that instead of BIH. IHRF may have more information, but please let us know what you find!
Take care,