Hello! I am 38 yrs old and recently started presenting with visual disturbances including going blind for a few seconds, colorful swirls and flashes. Since then I have had excruciating headaches and pressure. I have been to my GP, optometrist, hematologist, retinal specialist and neurologist without a clear diagnosis. They suspect it is either silent migraines or IIH. I am supposed to see an Neuro-ophthalmologist in April. The only doctor that seems worried is the retinal specialist. He really wants me to get a lumbar puncture done, but I am on blood thinner and the neurologist won't touch me because of it. I am struggling so much! It is effecting every part of my life! I have been to the ER and given morphine and dilaudid which finally broke through the pain, but obviously I can't be on those for any length of time. Has anyone else had to deal with IIH and a blood clotting condition?