I have not done well with the inhalational anesthetics. Sevoflurane can raise ICP, although they claim this is minimal. minimal I am sure for someone without IIH. I do much much better with IV only anesthesia, Propofol with some Versed and Fentanyl. the opiates will make you hypoventilate and may increase ICP. my main problem has been prolonged sedation, where it takes me forever to wake up and the nurses don't believe me and punt me out the door. I'm convinced this is ICP that they don't recognize. same thing happens with my son who also has IIH. so make sure you have someone with you to speak for you while you are out of it, to stand up to the nurses if you don't feel up to being sent home yet. I have bad urinary retention but it doesn't seem to matter which drugs they use and I don't think this has anything to do with the IIH.