:sleep: :ill :quiet:
:afraid: :frustrated
I was admitted in the end after my incontinence episode as I started getting even worse low pressure heeadaches. I had an icp bolt done again and it revealed that my pressure was at -19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ( ........... I was still discharged with the same shunt in as they still refuse to move it.
when I went for my follow up apt after my discharge I found out that my surgeon had put on my medical records that my pressure was perfectly normal at +10 wich is a MASSIVE lie.... it never went higher that +2 and that was when iwas layed completely flat. so I have now complained to pals again to see what my options are as im nw being lied to.
I have extreme pain in the back of my head and neck daily and struggle with hand coordination, I also now have a pea sized lump above my lp shunt wich is causing me pain :( so along with allllll my other symtoms its fair to say that my condition is getting worse and theres nothing I can do and no one I can turn to!!!
im too scared to call my ns to see me as I now no that he has lied on my medical records and its obvious tha hes not taking me very serious at all. I just need some help!!!!! im at m wits end and ive had enough now :(