so on feb 27th i had an episode of just sitting on the couch and my eyes/vison like 'jiggled' in my head for just a brief moment and i had a tingling warming sensation thru my whole body. Everything waas very short lived, but since then i have had a headache EVERY DAY, and i was the type of person who had a headache MAYBE once every other year so this is agony. And then not just headaches, then nausea came, and these sweeping spells of dizziness, and occasional bouts of vision losing focus and i have to consiously think about making my eyes focus. MRI came back normal (which why doenst IIH show up in MRI)finally saw neuro, she thought IIH, so her treatment plan... no spinal tap, no diamox, just went right to topamax 25mg for a week then will go to 50 mg and see what happens. But isnt diamox the drug of choice, isnt the spinal tap the definitive answer to see the increased pressure, im so confused. Why start on topamax, why not even check a LP pressure to make sure this is what we are dealing with. Only been on meds 5 days and i know they need time, but headache still there as always and dizzy spells still come as always, maybe its not IIH