We are looking to recruit volunteers for the following positions in the United Kingdom.
Volunteer Management Manager
Fundraising and Marketing Manager
Ideally you must have some experience in these roles and the positions are voluntary, as are all the roles in the charity, so that funds raised will directly go to helping people living with IIH. If you are interested please email heidiwilson@ihaveiih.com with the following information;
Role you are interested in
Why you are interested in this position
What attributes you think will make you ideal for the role
So far the charity has distributed nearly 8000 IIH Information booklets to 230 hospitals in England, with Wales and the rest of the UK to follow. We are also wanting to achieve much more in the next 12 months. We need experienced volunteers in these roles to be able us to help people with IIH and their families when they need it the most.